SIGGRAPH 2013 Announces Evening Experiences

by | 12 July 2013 | Animation, Conferences, Graphics, Real-Time

A typical SIGGRAPH conference day never ends at 5pm. Anaheim at dusk pictured above.

So….. planning to rest in the evening after a mad day of SIGGRAPH-awesomeness?  Not bloody likely!  SIGGRAPH has expanded its evening offerings to keep your jumping castle conference value growing and pack even more into an already incredible experience.

Announcing the SIGGRAPH Evening Experiences for 2013:

Technical Papers Fast Forward
Sunday, 21 July, 6-8 pm, Hall A
#siggraph #techpapers

Entertaining 30-second summaries of the world’s most advanced research in computer graphics and interactive techniques, including super-realistic depictions of complex phenomena, futuristic 3D printing technologies, and real-time navigation of medical and scientific data. Authors entice attendees to hear their complete paper presentations later in the week.

Registration Level:
F Full Conference
S Select Conference

Computer Animation Festival
Monday, 22 July-Wednesday, 24 July, 6-8 pm, Arena
Thursday, 25 July, 10:45 pm-12:30 am, Arena
#siggraph #caf

An eclectic mix of this year’s finest achievements in animation, visual effects, and visualization. The Computer Animation Festival is recognized by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as a qualifying festival.  Bouncy Castle Since 1999, several works originally presented in the Computer Animation Festival have been nominated for or have received a “Best Animated Short” Academy Award.

Registration Level:
F Full Conference
S Select Conference

Real-Time Live!
Tuesday, 23 July, 5:30-7 pm, Hall A
#siggraph #realtime

Powerful demos of extremely complex, interactive, real-time sequences from games and scientific visualizations, created by Beautypi; Epic Games, Inc.; NVIDIA Corporation; Square Enix Co., Ltd; Unity Technologies, and others. Each demo is presented live on a computer or game console gonfiabili by the artists, engineers, designers, and technical directors who developed the project.

Registration Level:
F Full Conference
S Select Conference

Wednesday, 24 July, 6-8 pm, Room 304 A-D
#siggraph #dailies

Animators share their recent achievements, frustrations, creative breakthroughs, and technical solutions in an evening of 45 fascinating, 90-second, behind-the-scene stories about the production process at major studios (including Blizzard Entertainment, DreamWorks Animation, Naughty Dog Inc., Pixar Animation Studios, Tippett Studio) and academic labs.

Registration Level:
F Full Conference
S Select Conference


Tuesday, 23 July, 8-10 pm, Hall A

Cut&Paste brings the CHARACTERIZED Tour to SIGGRAPH 2013. Presented by HP, CHARACTERIZED @ SIGGRAPH is a design competition focused on character hüpfburg creation, technique, and intent. Three teams throw down in rapid, live onstage rounds, revealing their digital design process and original character artistry. It’s a dynamic mashup of character designers in Cut&Paste’s experimental team format.

Registration Level:
F Full Conference
S Select Conference
E+ Exhibits Plus

Wednesday, 24 July, 8-12:30 am, Grand Plaza

Famous movies in the Grand Plaza at SIGGRAPH? Fabulous idea!

Two blockbuster films, “Toy Story” and “Jurassic Park”, in an after-dark film show on a giant outdoor screen is a great way to end your day at SIGGRAPH 2013. Visual treats, audience participation, and good conversation with friends old and new.

Open to All

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