7 Things You Need to Know About SIGGRAPH BOF Submissions

by | 5 May 2016 | Conferences, Interactive Techniques

SIGGRAPH Birds of a Feather Program

If you have a novel idea and want to discuss it among like-minded peers, SIGGRAPH 2016 has just the thing for you. Each year, SIGGRAPH offers “Birds of a Feather” (or BOF) programming during its conferences. Continuing at SIGGRAPH 2016, BOFs will be the place where attendees can join together based on shared interests and carry out active discussions on specific topics.

With submissions to the BOF program currently open, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to participate. Here are 7 tips from SIGGRAPH 2015 BOF Presenter, John Richardson, on how to create a successful BOF experience:

  1. Pay attention to the SIGGRAPH Information System submission deadline. BOF submissions tend to happen after the technical and panel deadlines. (Hint: The 2016 BOF deadline is 22 July!)
  2. Start looking for presenters before the submission deadline.
  3. Arrive prepared. Consider bring adapters, extension cords (or a long power cord), a projector, a microphone or even a karaoke machine. (You never know what will spur from a BOF presentation!)
  4. Communicate with your presenters. They are a resource and will volunteer to dig you out of a hole if they are treated with respect and given an opportunity to be part of an important service to the SIGGRAPH community. (Fun Fact: I try to NOT dig myself into a hole!)
  5. If you have a presentation, make sure it is technically sound and on topic. Sanity check any of your secondary presenters and determine if they have a technically sound and on topic presentation.
  6. Always try to support other BOFs. Attend as a warm body; lug an extra power cord just in case some other presenter or BOF needs one. Set up and tear down quickly so there is no interference with BOFs before and after your BOF or presentation.
  7. Bring snacks, such as M&M’s® or opt for a healthy option like veggies!

SIGGRAPH BOFs are your chance to network with attendees and present or attend a discussion on a niche topic. If you are interested in submitting a BOF for SIGGRAPH 2016, apply here.

Have more tips for BOF presenters? Comment below!

John RichardsonAbout John Richardson
John Richardson has a Masters in Applied Mathematics from San Diego State University where their main research focus is on Human Factors for Virtual Reality and Simulation. Recent research includes tutorials on anthropomorphic graphics and simulation at the SummerSim’14 and SpringSim’16 conferences.

Current research focuses on interoperability between computer algebra systems, simulation methodologies and real time data acquisition [I.E., parallel dataflow languages for the Internet of Things]. John also has a B.A in History and a B.S in Mathematics from Metropolitan State College. He is a member of SIGGRAPH, is a SIGGRAPH Pioneer and a member of the Society for Computer Simulation International. John is also the Supreme Commander of the Macintosh Virtual Reality Modeling Language Army of the Night (SC-MVRMLAOTN) and has a uniform to prove it.

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