5 Reasons Students Volunteer for SIGGRAPH

by | 7 January 2016 | Conferences, Students

Student Volunteers at SIGGRAPH

The deadline to apply to be a student volunteer at SIGGRAPH 2016 is just a month away (February 9 to be exact) and every year, we look forward to the enthusiasm, energy and service that hundreds of student volunteers bring to the conference. This important group of volunteers is critical to the success of the conference, providing a wide variety of tasks and services in support of the event. If you are thinking about applying to be part of this singular experience, here are five reasons you should do it now!

1. Opportunity
Where else do you have the opportunity to meet and learn from industry professionals, creators, educators, pioneering visionaries and your fellow student volunteers?

2. Learning
Top professionals in the industry (and former Student Volunteers) present special sessions and share tips, tricks and job opportunities at exclusive Student-Volunteer only sessions!

3. Networking
Meet students from all over the globe who share your passion for computer graphics!

4. Career Building
Polish your reel or resume and get professional feedback to land that dream job. The S3 Resume and Reel Review Sessions can give you a leg up when you enter the job market.

5. Free Full Conference Registration
Enjoy all the sights, sounds and incredible cutting-edge technology at this amazing conference when you are off-shift. Financial assistance is available to help defray other costs of attendance (travel, meals, lodging).

This exclusive experience is available to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students who are enrolled full time for at least one semester during the 2015-2016 academic year and are at least 18 years of age (on or before 22 July 2016). Don’t miss out on a chance to experience all that you can discover from the synergism of ideas spanning computer graphics and interactive techniques. Start your journey today.

Former Student Volunteers – share your experience in the comments section!

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